I haven’t done a giveaway in a long time and honestly… I’ve missed doing them. I’ve always loved giving money away! This time of year with the holidays coming up, I know a little extra cash is appreciated. I know I always appreciate a little extra spending money. What wouldRead More →

If you’re in any sort of debt, you need to tackle it head-on. You might think the majority of people reading this won’t be dealing with debt or if they are, they’ll be able to handle it. But that’s not true. According to research, the majority of Americans are inRead More →

Are you still uncertain about the economy, and how it may, or may not, affect your personal finances? Looking for some helpful resources? The government gets a bad rep from people. Do our elected officials “let us down” occasionally? Of course, they do. Yet, they provide numerous resources for thoseRead More →

Financial planning takes some of the stress out of family life. Many people associate budgeting with deprivation, but the opposite is true. When you have a good handle on your finances, it is actually freeing. It provides family security and allows you to set realistic goals for the future. HereRead More →