There are few things in life as exciting, memorable and flat-out terrifying as buying a house for the first time. Even though this is an event that you have likely dreamed about for years, it can be quite daunting once the time actually arrives. In fact, the challenges involved withRead More →

Are you still uncertain about the economy, and how it may, or may not, affect your personal finances? Looking for some helpful resources? The government gets a bad rep from people. Do our elected officials “let us down” occasionally? Of course, they do. Yet, they provide numerous resources for thoseRead More →

Financial planning takes some of the stress out of family life. Many people associate budgeting with deprivation, but the opposite is true. When you have a good handle on your finances, it is actually freeing. It provides family security and allows you to set realistic goals for the future. HereRead More →

Disclosure: This is a sponsored conversation for Prudential. I consider myself a smart woman. A woman who is business savvy. A woman who helps run a household and runs her own blog. Yet, I avoid talking about finances. To be honest, I’m slightly intimidated regarding certain financial topics. I’ve comeRead More →