Debt traps. Almost everyone is in debt in some form or another these days. And because of the prevalence of debt in the modern world, it can be incredibly difficult to determine whether or not your debt is turning into a big problem. However, there are a lot of warningRead More →

Debt is a four-letter word. There, I’ve said it. Unlike other four letter words, debt can be used as a valuable tool to help accomplish goals. However, if you are not very careful with debt, it can burn you. In fact, playing with debt is like playing with fire (anotherRead More →

If you’re in any sort of debt, you need to tackle it head-on. You might think the majority of people reading this won’t be dealing with debt or if they are, they’ll be able to handle it. But that’s not true. According to research, the majority of Americans are inRead More →

Are you still uncertain about the economy, and how it may, or may not, affect your personal finances? Looking for some helpful resources? The government gets a bad rep from people. Do our elected officials “let us down” occasionally? Of course, they do. Yet, they provide numerous resources for thoseRead More →