This post is brought to you by The Stork OTC and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.
Before I got pregnant with my son, I really thought I might not ever have children. Up until I was in my thirties, I thought I didn’t even want kids. Because of some hereditary information I learned about when I was sixteen, I had convinced myself that having a child would never be in the cards for me.
Plus I had spent every summer babysitting from the time I was thirteen until just after I turned eighteen, and that had convinced me I didn’t want kids. Okay, there really is a little truth to this.
Seriously, though, I was just scared.
Here I was in my thirties, late thirties actually, and I was afraid I’d waited too late and now I would live the self-fulfilled prophesy and never have a child because I’d waited too late.
Things worked out for me and I did get pregnant, but it could have easily been a different story, like so many other couples wanting to have a child and having trouble getting pregnant. I have a cousin who took infertility drugs to get pregnant, but it was a long and costly process.
The Stork OTC is a NEW treatment option that has been FDA-cleared for home-use without a prescription. The Stork OTC optimizes a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant by putting the sperm closer to the opening of the cervix as possible.
Women can feel more comfortable using The Stork OTC because it offers a relaxed and private way of conceiving in your own home by using new technology based on cervical cap insemination.
The Stork OTC can change the way couples face the challenges of conceiving. I think The Stork OTC is a great first step for a woman trying to conceive before she takes more invasive and expensive measures.
The Stork OTC uses an established and effective conception technique—cervical cap insemination—which helps with many common fertility difficulties.
Cervical cap insemination’s documented success rate is around 10-20%1, 2 similar to the success rate for IUI.3
FDA-cleared applications for The Stork OTC include common fertility difficulties attributed to both men and women, including:
- Low Sperm Count
- Motility Issues
- Unfavorable Vaginal Environment (pH imbalance)
- Unexplained Infertility
It is available now, online and in select retailer stores, for more information and where to buy visit
I will be co-hosting a Twitter chat this coming Tuesday afternoon and hope you will join me. Also, please share this with anyone you know facing infertility issues…
What: Have you ever struggled on your journey to start a family? Do you know someone who has? Join us for this Twitter mini chat focused on fertility and conception, sponsored by The Stork OTC. For 30 minutes, we’ll be discussing how a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition can be a great first step when trying to conceive. During this 30-minute mini chat, we will be discussing some great ideas and tips to get you started on a healthy journey with nutrition and lifestyle changes! This is the first in an ongoing Twitter chat series on various fertility-related topics, so mark your calendars and join us throughout the year.
When: Tuesday, May 19 at 1 p.m. ET
Where: We’ll be on Twitter – follow the #TheStorkOTC hashtag to track the conversation. You can see the details and RSVP via this Vite:
Hashtag: #TheStorkOTC
Prizes: Three prizes will be awarded to randomly selected participants who answer the trivia questions correctly. Each prize includes a $25 CVS/pharmacy gift card
Hosts: @TheMotherhood, @TMChatHost, @CooperMunroe, @EmilyMcKhann
Co-hosts: @justbeautylife, @optimistic_mama, @DonnaChaffins, @MomBalancingAct, @MyBaybah, @HaveSippy
This content is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician.
1”Therapeutic donor insemination: A prospective randomized trial of fresh versus frozen sperm.” Leslee L. Subak, MD, G. David Adamson, MD, Nancy L. Boltz, RNC. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Volume 166, Issue 6, Part 1, June 1992.
2”The cervical cap for home artificial insemination.” Corson SL, Batzer FR, Otis C, Fee, D. Journal of Reproductive Medicine, May 1986; 31(5)349-52.
3American Society for Reproductive Medicine:
I need to introduce this to a friend. Shes’s had 2 miscarriages twice last year and she’s losing hope.
It seems everyone around me is very fertile!! My Sister in Law could have used this many years ago when she was trying to have babies.
amazing how technology has come along!!
This sounds like it could help a lot of people. I have a friend who might be interested in this.
This sounds extremely helpful. I think everyone should get the chance at parenthood.
Sounds like something that could really help people. I have closed my store so it is nothing I need right now.
I wish technology had been this advanced a decade ago. I’ll be sure to pass the info on.
i do know someone who is struggling but I only know her online (she runs a blog I like to visit). I feel for her though, every bit as much as if we’d already met in real life.
What a great tool for couples who may need some help getting pregnant! I love technology 🙂
They are really stepping it up with various techniques used. I have two children and I want at least one more but I am quickly approaching that age where my chances get cut in half. This was good to know information. Well written quality article.
Oh wow, never heard of this before. I am amazed at all of the OTC products that can help couples have a baby without invasive procedures or having to go that route first. It is nice to have another option to try first. Glad you are sharing!
It is so glad to hear there is more accessible help for those looking to start or grow their family. The OTC product you mentioned sounds genius. thank you for sharing your story and this information with us.