My JCPenney Secret Santa Revealed #jcpSecretSanta

Yesterday, I found a package on my front porch from my #jcpSecretSanta! If you remember, last week I told you about my participation with JCPenney and Mom Central Consulting, to take part in a JCPenney Secret Santa campaign. You can check it out here if you missed it. So, as I said, I received my gift from my Secret Santa yesterday.

And my Secret Santa is…. Ellen from Confessions of an Overworked Mom. What a great Secret Santa she was, too! I LOVE my gift!

I love jewelery, and rarely buy it for myself, so receiving it is a real treat. The necklace has three hearts they say "Mother", "Daughter", and "Friend". I'm looking forward to wearing it! Thank you so much Ellen! You couldn't have chosen a better gift for me! I really enjoyed scanning my Santa Tag using my iPhone and a QR reader app and listening to Ellen's personal message to me. A very nice touch, indeed!

I just hope my fellow blogger that I played Secret Santa to – likes the gift I picked out for her.

Check out some of these great gift ideas for that special person in your life and whether they're near or far you can personalize it with a QR code Santa Tag.

I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of jcpenney and received a JCPenney Secret Santa gift and a promotional item to thank me for participating.


  1. I adore this necklace! It’s GORGEOUS & a wonderful gift 🙂

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