You can get free food samples such as, Teddy Grahams trail mix, Pringles and cereal to a free Arby's beef n' cheddar sandwich free on your birthday. You can also find free beauty product samples, free books (from cook books to religious-themed) and free kids stuff. You will also find free pet stuff, free T-shirts and much more.
Be warned that you do need to supply your name and mailing address, otherwise, how would they send you the free stuff. So you will probably start getting a lot of junk mail. If getting free stuff (plus you will also receive coupons with your free stuff that will help when you go grocery shopping), is worth getting some more junk mail, then I highly recommend
The reason companies give away free samples is in the hopes that you will try their products and like them, and become a loyal customer. This is why they send coupons along with the sample so you will go buy it. I found that many of the freebies offered are for things I do use. If you can get coupons for stuff you would normally buy anyway, this is a win-win situation. Especially with the soaring prices at the grocery store.
I will also suggest that if you need to supply an email address, use a secondary email account. You can get a yahoo or hotmail account quickly and easily. This way you don't need to be concerned about spam in your primary email.
Did you know that you can go to and hover on the "In Stores Now" button and then click on free samples? I just found this out, and wanted to share it with you.
I hope you find some good freebies out there. If you know of a great freebie site, share it with us. Hope to hear from you! Enjoy life!!!