So everyday he wiggled and jiggled it. And gave updates on the tooth’s progress.
I asked on Twitter for suggestions on ways to help the tooth along. I got great replies with the most popular being "eating hard foods, like apples, carrots and day old bagels." The apple was the only suggested food my son eats.
Then finally, Sunday, March 14, around noon, he runs into the kitchen proclaiming
Loosing a tooth for a child is a major event. Especially the first one. They compare how many teeth they’ve lost (or not lost) with their friends. Out of his seventeen classmates I know which two have not lost a tooth yet. And who has lost the most teeth thus far.
I didn’t realize just how important keeping his first tooth was to my son. When I told him that the tooth fairy would come and take the tooth and leave him money – he got so upset. He was adamant that he did not want the tooth fairy to take his first tooth. So I suggested he write a letter to the tooth fairy and that if he asked her to leave it, just maybe she would.
He went straight away and wrote the letter. He also wanted his tooth placed in a baggie so it would not get lost.
One tooth down nineteen more to go.
Cute story; I can’t wait until I lose my first tooth. I’ll have to look into those day-old bagels.
Dave – if you start eating day-old bagels… you may very well lose a tooth. 🙂
Woah, 5 bucks, man I’m 21 now and I only got a stinkin quarter, guess the tooth fairy wasn’t so popular back then xD
Dear Tooth Fairy,My name is Jazmin I live in Co-op City,New York.I wish I could visit you at ToothFairyLand,but here`s the problem I don`t know how to fly.To get to your home you have to go around the ninth cloud to the east,over the lavender fairy bridge,across the big sky road,and then you enter ToothFairyLand.I love flowers alot nature is my thing.My favorite flowers are the redrose.pinkrose,whiterose,yellowrose,peachrose,orangerose,cherryblossom,reddaffodil,and,Islandrose.My favorite colors are red and pink.My favorite holiday is Valentine`s Day.One day I dream of becoming a fashion designer.Love,Jazmin