When times are tough it’s difficult for some people to give like they may have once given. Yet, you still want to help. This infographic shows how a little goes a long way to help the needy or homeless. Check out the statistics and some care package ideas that won’t break the bank:
Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post. I just think it is a helpful infographic.
I never realized that $1 can be used to provide 8 meals! This is a sobering infographic that helps remind me that, no matter how tight out budget is, we have WAY more than others and can therefore share more!
I love the idea of care packages! You could really get a lot of fun stuff at Dollar General for very cheap.
Great infograph.
I love Dollar Tree!
Good infographic thanks for the info.
It’s just a wonderful thing to do
Since I’m a big care package sender, I was looking at all their suggestions for each recipient. I think those are all excellent ideas.
I’m on a philanthropy committee at work. We cook meals at shelters. Before we cook, we hold a fundraiser such as a bake sale. Use those funds to purchase meal items, then cook a home cooked meal for a women’s shelter, homeless shelter, or even Ronald McDonald House.
I love Dollar Tree, it has so many thing sto choose from and make the perfect care package.
Care packages are a great idea. You can make you money go farther buying items at Dollar Tree.
The dollar stores are definitely a money saver. It may not always be brand names, but if I were in need that wouldn’t matter.
I love this idea. We always want to do more care packages but worry about the cost. Thank you for the information.
I love the care package idea. While we do for others and give a lot, there’s always more ways to bless others. You’ve given some really great ideas. Thank you!
An Care Package that helps women and children is the most important one tome. We have boxes placed around our town to do our giving. Nobody knows how much we give and the items benefit our needy. Absolutely, Dollar General is an excellent source from which to buy the items we can afford to share.