Tuesday, May 6, 2008 is Teacher Appreciation Day and the week of May 5 – May 9, 2008 is Teacher Appreciaiton week. Students often show appreciation for their teachers with token gifts. The National Education Association describes National Teacher Day as "a day for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make to our lives".
I cannot say enough about teachers! Good teachers that is. With Teacher Appreciation Week starting today, it got me to thinking about my past teachers. I have had some amazing teachers in my life that have influenced me and made lasting impressions. However, the first teacher that stands out in my mind was my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Lucinda Curry. She was the type of teacher that went above and beyond the call of duty. Her day didn’t end at 3:00 when the bell rang. She kept the classroom enthralled all day, every day!
I remember times when she invited groups of us to her home to search for tadpoles for science. She had a pond on her property and shared it with her class. Now this was back in the day, when there wasn’t anything unseemly about going to your teacher’s home. I have such fond memories of Mrs. Curry, although I’ve had wonderful teachers since her, throughout high school and college, she is the first to leave a lasting impression on me.
So this week remind your children to honor their teachers with a card, a token gift or a thank you. In addition, while you’re at it, remember your favorite teacher. Share it with your child. I will take this week to honor mine. I would love to hear about your favorite teacher. Hope to hear from you! Enjoy life!!!