I discovered a new site today. One I am truly impressed by. I mean impressed! I am looking for some hoodies for my son for Christmas and some ideas for my little 10-month-old niece. So as I'm surfing the web, I stumbled onto this amazing children's clothing site. I love their story and how they came up with their name.
It's true, the word tea, conjures up tea parties, friends, sharing, warmth, and connecting. I live in the South, so tea makes me think of Southern hospitality.
I also love their design philosophy. They travel the globe to do real research on each destination's culture. So if you can't go to Modern Mexico, Brazil, or say, Norway… you can dress yourself and your kids like you have. You can rest assured that the clothing you are putting on yourself and your children is a real representation of what a child would wear in said locale. I love this concept!
But what I'm most impressed by are their "values". They partnered with The Global Fund For Children (GFC) and donate all proceeds from their Little Citizens line of clothing to GFC. As well as giving 20% of all online sales to GFC a few times a year, during GFC days.
See why I'm impressed?
I did find a dress for my niece, a couple of hoodies for my son, and a dress I put on my wish list, for me. Hey, I want something for Christmas, too.