Keith Urban – New Album, New Song, New on My Playlist

I received compensation for this post about my favorite playlist song, but all opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours. I will only endorse companies, products and services that I believe, based on my own experiences, are worthy of endorsement.

Music is important to me. My playlist is very important to me. My playlist is full of music that makes me feel good, motivates me, and relaxes me.

I change up my list from time to time, usually adding several songs from one artist, several tracks from an album, or a whole album.

And recently I added an album to my playlist… Keith Urban’s Grafitti U.

I’m enjoying the whole album, but really loving “Coming Home.”

Coming Home, featuring Julia Michaels, is a song perfect for working out. And as a mom who knows the importance of home and family, “Coming Home” resonates with me. I’m sure that it has deep meaning to him as well since he tours a lot and has to be away from his wife, Nicole Kidman, and their girls.

My mom is a huge Merle Haggard fan, so that makes the opening Haggard guitar riff in Coming Home even more special to me.

Excerpt of Coming Home Lyrics

I wake up feeling
In my soul
I’m Living someone else’s life
I’m turning into concrete
Harder than these city streets
Where no one even cares if I’m alive
I gotta get it right
Get it right.

Keith Urban is a great songwriter and storyteller through music. Coming Home has more of an urban pop sound than country, which is probably why it’s on my playlist and why I love working out to it. I can’t listen to it without moving.

A few months ago I shared with you how much I loved Keith Urban’s song, Female. I just love everything he does.

Download or stream Keith Urban’s new album and see for yourself why I’m in love with “Coming Home.”


  1. I love Keith Urban. I didn’t know he had a new album. Thanks for posting!

  2. I like Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman. I read about them, because it doesn’t seem like they are hoity toity and I don’t read any trash on them. They seem like a nice loving couple and family, which is rare for “famous” people. That’s when I listened too a couple of Mr. Urban’s songs and liked them. Thank you for sharing these songs. I didn’t know he had new songs out. Time to update my playlist. Music makes me feel good, upbeat, and motivated!

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