The process of transitioning to college is often difficult for every student. You are suddenly introduced to thousands of new faces, classes, and, often, a new living situation. If you are a previously homeschooled student, the following is a guide for homeschool students who are transitioning to college. How toRead More →

ACT test prep is at the forefront of many teens and their parent’s minds right now, especially if you have an upcoming junior or senior in your household. As your preparing for college, your teenager needs to prepare for the ACT test and possibly the SAT, as well. Our sonRead More →

The desire for better job opportunities and a comfortable life has motivated many to pursue higher education in this world today. Being a conscientious student is not easy as many are competing for a better result with one another.  As a student, academic essay writing is required at all levelsRead More →

Graduation ceremonies are a huge deal in the United States, from Kindergarten (some elementary – 5th grade graduations), middle school, and high school, to college/university graduations, that final day is special. In the United States, graduation is an important culmination of a student’s educational achievements. Many families opt to createRead More →