Save on Prescriptions with ValpakRx

This post is sponsored by All opinions on how to save on prescriptions and the high cost of prescription medicine are 100% my own.

I’ve not always had great health insurance, especially prescription coverage. I know that I am not alone in this and that many people either don’t have health insurance at all or their insurance doesn’t cover prescriptions. So many adults skip taking medications due to the high-cost in prescription medicine.

I remember needing a prescription filled that cost just over $350 and my insurance at the time didn’t cover prescriptions… I was able to pay for it, but my wallet took a huge hit.

Many people wouldn’t be able to pay that much money out of pocket. And even if you have health insurance, you still have to pay a percentage for prescriptions or the deductible.

If you know me, you know I’m all about saving money. And if you’re like me, the new ValpakRx app will be right up your alley.

Save on Prescriptions

ValpakRx™ is a free mobile app and prescription discount card that helps users nationwide save every month by finding them the lowest price on prescriptions at their local pharmacies.

How ValpakRx Saves on Prescriptions

Sometimes your insurance doesn’t cover a certain drug or you can’t afford your medication due to a high deductible. Or you don’t have insurance at all. This is where ValpakRx can help.

ValpakRx™ has negotiated a discount rate with a national network of drugstores and retail outlets to bring you the best deals on prescriptions…

  • More than 35,000 stores have partnered with ValpakRx™
  • The average savings is $61 per prescription.
  • Free for anyone to use.
  • No personal information collected.

At least 80 percent of the time your prescription discount card will save you money because the cost will be less than the pharmacy’s retail price.

The amount you can save will vary, of course, depending on which pharmacy you use and which medication you buy.

I love that you can use the prescription price lookup feature to get an idea of what your medicine will cost at different pharmacies in your area, so you get the best price on the medicines you need.

ValpakRx’s Mission

We support our partners’ efforts to better the lives of Americans and to help make each community a better place to live. Our mission is to provide affordable prescription healthcare at the lowest cost possible. We believe the financial savings that cardholders achieve when they use our free Rx discount card will have a huge impact on their lives and give them access to practical, affordable healthcare solutions.

Click on the image below to sign up today!

The ValpakRx app is a great resource or tool to find the best prices on the medicines you and your family need. Be sure to sign up today because using the FREE Rx discount card is a win-win.