Martian Child DVD Review

We recently watched the DVD Martian Child.  I really liked this movie!  It is an intelligent script with a great cast.  It stars John Cusack, Bobby Coleman, Amanda Peet, Joan Cusack, and Oliver Platt.  It’s about a recently widowed science-fiction writer who adopts a young boy that claims to be from Mars.  There is a series of strange occurrences that lead David (played by Cusack), and we the viewers to believe that Dennis’ (played by Bobby Coleman) claim of being a Martian may be true.  The on screen chemistry between Cusack and Coleman is beautiful. 

I don’t want to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn’t seen it, so I will just say that it is a good family movie.  It will give parents an opportunity to discuss the feeling of insecurities and abandonment to name a few, if you feel so inclined.

Finally, I think the reason this movie touched me was the fact that it is based on a true story.  To know that David and Dennis exist and lived this story makes the movie truly come to life!

If you have watched Martian Child, I would love to hear what you thought of it.  Hope to hear from you!  Enjoy Life!!!