Now we have a brand new social security calculator at  It is a fast and easy online estimator for anyone planning for retirement.  The online calculator allows you to factor in a higher estimate for future earnings as well as alternative retirement ages. I think the social security calculatorRead More →

Tower Dog – One who climbs and constructs the tallest man made structures on earth…according to the Tower Dog web site.  Tonight on Dateline they are featuring a story about Tower Dogs.  I find this interesting because I am scared of heights and it is hard for me to fathomRead More →

That is the question…Did the low-fat food fad make us fatter?  We may have eaten high-carb foods that weren't as satisfying and as a result we ate more. According to an article in the Los Angeles Times "many people believe that they've gained weight on such (low fat) diets."  BecauseRead More →