Give me sand, water, and tropical weather

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It's Sunday Stealing time again! Today's ripoff comes from Not My Year Off. I really enjoy this meme. It makes me think and take a look at my life — who I am, where I am, etc. And, it lets you, my readers, learn more about me. So without further ado…

1. Are you in a job that you truly enjoy?

Yes, most of the time. I have a part-time job two days a week, and the rest of the time I spend on my blog – which I enjoy immensely. 

2. If you could do any job in the world what would it be?

I would love to be a CSI or Forensic Scientist. 

3. If you could be a character in a novel who would you be?

Jean Louise "Scout" Finch.

4. When it comes to spending time with those you love, do you think it should be about quality or quantity?


5. Is there a job/career you wanted but realized you couldn’t possibly do for one reason or another?

From the age of 12, until the age of 18, I wanted to be a lawyer. I think for a couple of reasons, I knew I could not do it.

6. If you could live anywhere in the world or out of this world where would you live?

Somewhere where the weather never got under 60 degrees and on or very near the beach. The photo above is what I'd like the view out my front window to be.

7. Where would you most like to visit and who with?

Italy. My husband.

8. Which skill would you like to learn?

Public speaking. I would love to feel confident with speaking to large groups of people.

9. What made you laugh today?

My son rehearsing a monologue from 'The Princess Bride' for his audition on Tuesday.

10. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?

Another blessed day. And learning something new.

11. What is your sign and do you believe in horoscopes etc?

Aries. Nope.

12. If you could change one thing about your life thus far, what would it be?

I could sit here and say "What if I'd done that then?" Or, "What if I hadn't done that?" But, I know that all the choices I've made to this point has brought me to where I am, and who I am today. So, what would I change about my life thus far? Nothing.

13. If there was one charity you could give a huge contribution to, which charity would it be and why?

American Cancer Society. I would love to see an end to cancer.

14. Should smoking be legal?

The way smokers are treated, it seems illegal. As an ex-smoker (March 25 will make 7 years smoke-free), in some ways it might be better. Maybe then, more people woud have to quit smoking.

15. What are your views on the smoking ban in public places?

As long as smoking is legal, I don't like the ban on public outdoor places. 

16. Why do you blog?

It is one of my loves. I enjoy writing. I enjoy sharing my life and experiences, or fun things I find. I like being able to share my good finds and hopefully, from time to time helping others. It is often times theraputic for me. I do however, consider my blog, my business. I so love my work!

17. Do you have a favorite author?

Yes, tons. But I would say my all-time favorite is, Harper Lee.

18. Can you play any musical instruments?

No. 🙁

19. What would your ideal car be?

Truly, a car to me is a means of getting from point A, to point B. I am thankful, I have one, but just not that important to me. With that being said, I do think the mid-sixties Corvettes were pretty sharp. 

20. Describe yourself in one short sentence.

My husband said there's no way to describe me in one short sentence. 🙂

21. What do you look for in a spouse/other half?

Intelligence, a great sense of humor, kindess, and a good work (and play) ethic.

22. Worst meal you’ve had?

At a restaurant in Pigeon Forge I ordered meat loaf. When it came it looked like dog food poured out of the can (you know the look I'm talking about?). I don't know what dog food tastes like, but I would venture to guess, like this meatloaf. It was disgusting.

23. What do you do to relax in the evening?

Either reading, or watching a TV show or movie with my husband and son. If the weather is nice, we do things outside — just watching Cody and/or CoCo play, is a great way to unwind.

24. Do you get along with your siblings?

Yes. I'm closer to my brother, but since distance seperates us, I don't see him often.

25. Do you have any regrets?

No. Refer to #12.


  1. Ah – the job I wish I had but couldn’t do – be a doctor. I couldn’t me away from my family long enough to do all the hours for school and residency

  2. This is such a fun meme! Maybe one time I will join in! Love your answer to what you look for in your spouse!

  3. Yes, that would be a great view from the front window. An open invitation to go for a lovely walk on the beach. Beach comb everyday, just because.

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