5 Tricks to a Turbo Powered Gym Session

Perhaps you’ve realized that your gym routine is growing stale, or that you’ve become complacent when you’re in the gym. It happens to everybody.

Beginners feel overwhelmed at the sheer amount of information out there, pick a routine, and then they aren’t sure when to change it up or what to do at all. Even seasoned gym goers can get complacent, and only realize when their progress comes to a complete stop.

So, this advice is for everybody out there who wants to turbocharge their workouts.

5 Tricks to a Turbo Powered Gym Session


Try Pre-workout

If you don’t have anything to give you a bit of a buzz before your workout, now could be the time to try. However, you need to do your research first.

One option that’s all natural is a cup of black coffee. There are more advanced formulations out there, but some of them will make you tingle, which some don’t like, and some you might just not like the effect of. Read review and testimonials and buy sample sachets before committing.

Look For A New Plan

If your plan has become stale, buy a new one. Just make sure the person who created the program is qualified to do so, as there are so many illegitimate plans going around because of social sites like Instagram! Better yet, get a coach or an online coach and have them create one especially for you.

It’s a bit of an investment, especially if weekly check-ins are included, but they could seriously make a huge difference to your life, mind, and body.

To Eat Or Not To Eat?

Before a workout, there’s a bit of a debate over whether eating or not eating is best. This can depend on numerous factors. One factor is your goal: if you want to be active in the gym, eating a good meal 30-60 minutes before a workout is a good idea. However, if you want to burn fat, you should probably eat a little earlier.

Some people enjoy training fasted in the morning and find that they are more productive and motivated this way, but it certainly isn’t for everybody. The best thing you can do is make a note of how you feel.

Updating Your Gym Outfit And Accessories

Sometimes a new gym outfit is all it takes to get your motivation back. Some accessories can help you too, like Sockwell Socks for compression and support.

Investing in these kinds of accessories could make your workouts far more productive. Make sure your clothes are well fitting, sweat-wicking, and fun so that you feel good and stay safe!

Go Alone And Put Your Phone On Airplane Mode

Going with a friend can sometimes mean more talking than working out. See how you feel about going alone. It can be scary at first, but you could find that you do a better job.

Don’t scroll Facebook or reply to texts either – this is gym time, not social time. Stay laser focused and just put on a killer playlist. Stick to your rest times!