4 Reasons to Consider Attending an International Boarding School

Guest Post

If you’re thinking of attending boarding school or if your parents are thinking of sending you to boarding school, an international boarding school may be a better option that one in the U.S. There are four reasons in particular to consider boarding overseas (or in Canada) rather than stateside.

1. Academics

You’re already familiar with the American education system, so why not see what it’s like to experience learning in another country? If you’d like to learn a foreign language, it’s beneficial to learn it from the origin country and from individuals who have been speaking the language since they could talk. It can also be interesting to learn about historic events from a different perspective and from a different culture.

2. Sports

Students who aren’t fans of football, basketball, soccer or any of the other traditional American sports but still enjoy being athletic are sure to love the vast variety of sports there are to choose from at international boarding schools. If classes end by lunchtime, you’ll have the entire afternoon to indulge in your new favorite sport.

3. Constant Supervision

While your parents probably appreciate the constant supervision more than you do, it’s comforting and reassuring to know that someone is always watching over you while you’re away from your parents. You may also prefer the supervision style of an international boarding school better than the American style.

4. Extracurricular Activities

Even if you aren’t a fan of sports, there are several other extracurricular activities for you to engage in while attending an international boarding school. You’ll more than likely be required to participate in an activity, and doing so can be a great way to develop your skills and discover new ones that you never knew you had. Imagine how much of an advantage this can serve you when you’re ready to start your career.

Attending an international boarding school is also a great way for you to travel and see how life is lived in other countries. Take your education and your life on the international road.


  1. I think it would be such a cultural learning experience and so valuable that way! I was a helicopter mom though so there’s no way I could let them go out of the city. Attached much? Yep.

  2. My girls attend a French International school in Los Angeles and absolutely love it. The two oldest spent their 6th grade year in France living with my parents and though it wasn’t exactly boarding school the benefits from that year abroad are countless! The cultural immersion goes without saying and learning to maneuver relationships in a new way… I encourage all parents to consider sending their kids abroad, on their own, for at least a handful of months.

  3. I think it’s a great idea for them to experience culture, but I don’t think boarding schools would work for us.

  4. My grandmother attended a boarding school in England (she lived in Ireland). It inspired a love of travel and brought her to the United States. I think it’s a wonderful option for some students.

  5. We had the blessing and opportunity to travel extensively as children and I passed that love on to my family now. We’ve taken our daughter to Europe twice, but before she became an ‘adult’ herself I’m not sure I would have been ready to have sent her off to boarding school 😉 She wants to do a study abroad now in University in Japan…Dad’s not overly thrilled about that, LOL!

  6. I remember as a kid I really wanted to go to boarding school. I thought it seemed so exotic! I think it can be a good cultural experience for certain kids who are old enough and mature enough to handle the independence.

  7. Well, it would certainly lead to more worldliness. I would have loved it myself as a child, it seems exciting and sophisticated 🙂

  8. I wish I would’ve studied abroad in college. This would be an amazing experience for anyone!

  9. great post ive always wanted to go to a boarding school very great article

  10. It cannot be wrong for our kids. Although as a parent, I would be very sad, but one should think about the benefits…

  11. I’m actually considering this for my son, thanks for the tips.

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