
I’ve made a budget since my early twenties… long before I got married and had a family. I like knowing where my money goes. Lucky for me, my husband is the same way. And he’s real smart and techy, so he makes me cool spreadsheets, graphs, etc. so I canRead More →

personal finances

Managing your personal finances is absolutely critical to enjoying a happy life with enough money to spend. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be hard to make time to do this, but it really is worth the effort. Luckily, the steps towards sensible management of yourRead More →

5 steps to a more frugal 2014 preparing your children early

I’ve had this article in a draft since January and forgot about it. It’s still early in 2014 and still very relevant… Many people set New Year’s resolutions that deal with saving money or cutting costs. They want to live more frugally so they can pay off debt, start aRead More →