Easy Ways to Decorate for Halloween with Kids #BBNshops

Halloween is a special time of year for kids. I can remember how excited I was for Halloween, it was a close second to Christmas. I spent weeks deciding what costume I wanted to wear… would I be a princess or a ghost? It was a big decision to make. Going out with my brother and sister trick-or-treating, was so much fun. And of course, the candy. Bags of candy.

The most fun, though, was helping my Mom decorate. I am passing the tradition onto my son… and he loves helping me decorate for Halloween.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money, or make or buy elaborate Halloween decorations. In fact, Halloween is all about having fun, so let your kid help you decorate, whether it’s funny and whimsical or spooky, creepy, and scary, just have fun.

Check out these Halloween products to give you some ideas for easy ways to decorate for Halloween with kids:

What’s your favorite Halloween decorating project to do with your kids?

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Boombox Network . The opinions and text are all mine.


  1. I really want to decorate for the grandkids but I do not have alot of money to do so. I appreciate all of your ideas.

  2. Super cute stuff! I just LOVE the spider web lights!

  3. Those are all awesome ideas. My kids love helping me decorate the house

  4. Halloween is one of our favorite Holidays. Every year we carve several pumpkins. Some of these carving tools may be helpful.

  5. I love those spiderweb lights. I’ll have to see if I can find them to decorate the porch with.

  6. I hope I can find last year’s decorations! I do love that scarf, we are very skull oriented here!

  7. I need that scarf! We don’t usually decorate for Halloween since kiddo is only with us on weekends. We live in a rural area so no trick-and-treat going on here. We have a few small decorations we put up.

  8. I need that spiderweb tablecloth! I’m going to have to check out Kohl’s.

  9. Anything that makes a pumpkin easier to carve is a plus!

  10. I always like doing the pumpkin. We usually carve it, but one year we just used markers and it was fun. Might do that again this year.

  11. I love decorating for anything with my son! I love giving him little project to do! Last year we painted our pumpkins like minions!

  12. These are all great things for Halloween! I would love to get that super cute hand towel!

  13. I’m loving these decorations, I got a few that I want for my house

  14. I’m so loving that hand towel, it looks like it’ll be perfect for placing Halloween snacks on.

  15. I like the spiderweb table cloth. I didn’t decorate on the inside.

  16. I really like that Alexander McQueen Scarf. I want it in my hands actually!

    We have that light spider web – it’s so neat they way we put it on our front porch with a spider in it.

  17. These are great ideas. I am not a big “halloween” decorator… but LOVE fall!

  18. I need that Pumpkin Power Saw! I am not very good at carving pumpkins, Lol!

  19. Great ideas, have a few of these already but love the black tablecloth. I bought a plain black one at the dollar store, so going to use craft puff paint and put the webs on it. Thanks for the idea!

  20. Great ideas, have a few of these already but love the black tablecloth. I bought a plain black one at the dollar store, so going to use craft puff paint and put the webs on it. Thanks for the idea!

  21. We have a neighbor that goes ALL OUT with Halloween decorations. My children have started to demand we decorate too! Thanks for this.

  22. All I love it all! We love decorating for all Holidays, can’t wait to get my Halloween stuff set out! It’s such a blast I think I like it more than my kids!!

  23. Our favorite DIY Halloween project is taking toilet paper rolls and cutting eye shapes out. Insert a glow stick, hang in your trees for scary glowing eyes.

  24. My twins LOVE Halloween! I was able to find some adorable Halloween decor at Cracker Barrel for 90% off last year. I’ll also make some fun Halloween crafts with the kids!

  25. we love decorating for Halloween so we are definitely going to be checking this out!

  26. I love these inexpensive fun ideas. I love to decorate without spending a fortune.

  27. We don’t do Halloween, but I’m all about cheap and easy decorating. Looks like you gave some great options!

  28. Ha, it really is the scooping that’ll do you in. 🙂 These look great, all of ’em!

  29. My girls will be home all day tomorrow since school is out so we are going to do some Halloween crafts. I totally need one of those pumpkin power saws! I didn’t know they made those!

  30. It’s definitely that time of year!! We love decorating the front of the house. So fun!

  31. My boys want to carve a pumpkin this year. We’ve painted them in the past, but we’ll try carving this year.

  32. We love crafting together during the holiday! I love saving the kids’ memories!

  33. These are some great Halloween decorating items. I can’t wait to start decorating.

  34. I love the spooky handtowel its so cute!

  35. My kids want me to do more and more decorating each year. I don’t want to spend a ton or use my whole garage storing it. Those tips are a great compromise.

  36. We are all about easy and definitely enjoy saving money as well. Carving and decorating pumpkins are a big hit around here!

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