2 Warm Weather Casual Outfits #WorldofGood #ad #EarthFootwear

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2 Warm Weather Casual Outfits #WorldofGood #ad #EarthFootwear

I love these two warm weather looks using this black top and black SugarPine wedge sandals from EarthFootwear. So cute! Which is your favorite piece/pieces?

75317148 #earthfootwear

Short sleeve shirt
$15 – very.co.uk

81009592 #earthfootwear

Jean shorts
$76 – zalando.co.uk

79770204 #earthfootwear

Blonde + Blonde twill shorts
$15 – bankfashion.co.uk

81595878 #earthfootwear

Wedge sandals

77065921 #earthfootwear

75875325 #earthfootwear

79956049 #earthfootwear

Abs by allen schwartz

79497375 #earthfootwear

79035893 #earthfootwear

Aldo earrings

80036153 #earthfootwear


  1. I love the clothes and accessories. I also wish I was skinny enough to be able to wear those shorts!!

  2. i like them really love the bags but pink shorts are a little bit out of my price!! i will go JC Penny and find some like the pink ones 🙂

  3. I love the pink shorts!! 🙂

  4. They have some really nice stuff here…Wish I could afford all of it.

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