10 Things Husbands Should Do, Besides Take Out The Trash


I found this Monday meme that's just the way it sounds… Monday Listicles. Today's list is:


1. Husbands should massage their wife's feet every night.

2. Husbands should do laundry.

3. Husbands should always place the toilet seat down after use.

4. Husbands should always start the day off with a compliment to his wife.

5. Husbands should have "me time", too. It will help them be a better husband.

6. Husbands should cook at least 3 meals a week for his wife (family).

7. Husbands should keep the lawn neat and trimmed.

8. Husbands should stop playing dumb when it comes to using home appliances like the dishwasher and washer & dryer.

9. Husbands should keep the vehicles clean inside and out.

10. Husbands should be treated with love and respect.

What's something you think husbands should do? Share it in the comments. And if you join in on Monday Listicles on your blog, leave a link so I can go see your list!